None of you are likely to have ever noticed (because what difference does it make) but because I am a serious creature of habit I have always sent out my newsletter on a Friday. This time I didn’t want to send it on Friday 13th so here I am and it's only Thursday! The good news is it gives you an extra day to place any last minute orders before Christmas!
Last day for sending orders for pre Christmas delivery is Thursday 19th December, and although we will always do our best to please after that I cannot guarantee packages will arrive in time. Please please if you can it is always helpful to add where a package can be left if nobody is at home - the courier is only able to leave packages with an instruction to do so.
2024 has been another great year for Fino and I am incredibly grateful to so many people for that. My biggest thank you is to all my lovely customers without whom I would not have a business – you are amazing supporting my little business as you do, and I am so grateful. Please keep loving Fino, and keep shouting about it as so many of you do – thank you!
Thank you to the wonderful fair organisers who have given me the platform where I have met so many of you in the first place. Of course I breathe a sigh of relief at this time of year when the fair season comes to an end because it is exhausting, but I love it really and do miss it when it’s over. 
Thanks too to the fab shops who have been loyal stockists of Fino, many for years. You may be a select few but every little bit helps!
Behind the scenes here there are others who I could not do this without. There is the hugely enthusiastic Daz, my cheery courier for whom nothing ever seems too much– he comes in with a smile every day to collect your packages, and he’s completely mad about the dogs and they love him. If there is one job I would not want, especially at this time of year, it would be being a delivery driver – you are great Daz!
There’s also Gary, my point man at the storage unit – he’s a gem and always goes above and beyond to help me. I am so grateful knowing he is there.
Then there is the wonderful Amy who has been helping keep things running smoothly here at Global HQ for the past three months – I am wondering how I have managed through the fair season in previous years with no extra help! She has been an absolute gem and I love her – huge thank you to you Amy.
It’s not over yet .. there is still another week to place orders in time for Christmas, and although we will be downing tools for a few days we will be ready and raring again in the new year.
A really happy Christmas to all of you, and my enormous thanks for being Fino fans.
Susie x
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