I knew I should be sending out a Fino newsletter but have been waiting for inspiration to flood in ... February .. Valentines Day ... it's a love thing! Lots of people are kind enough to tell me they love Fino Olive Oil and Fino Balsamic I thought this was a good enough reason to remind people to replenish their stocks. So why not do just that, and if you do so before 14th February you will get an edible treat on me - something that I love and I think you might too.

You may need plain extra virgin olive oil or perhaps you want some flavoured oil (how about trying the newest flavour - Orange) - whatever it is you want you will find it all on the Fino website - www.finooliveoil.co.uk.  And don't miss out on the Fino Dark Balsamic and Fino White Balsamic Vinegars, both Great Taste Award winners  – if you haven't tried them before treat yourself now, if you have already had them you will know just how good they are.  If you are looking for a present do check out the gift packs.

Here’s something else you might love which I have my great friend to thank for – she is a fab cook and often gives me great ideas when it comes to cooking!

Fish Stew – for 4

Fish fillets (I used cod and salmon but anything will do) – 2/3 large chunks per person

3 limes

2 large cloves garlic

Red onion

Fresh spinach

1 inch piece fresh ginger

Fino olive oil

1 tin tomatoes

1 tin coconut milk

Fresh coriander

Firstly chop fish fillets into large chunks  - place in a bowl and marinade for at least an hour with juice of 2 limes and chopped garlic.  Chop red onion and ginger and fry with Fino olive oil over a gentle heat for a few minutes.  Then add tomatoes, coconut milk, fresh spinach and a handful of fresh coriander - simmer for 5 mins, then add marinaded fish fillets and continue to simmer until cooked through (about 5 mins) - for a delicious supper serve with rice or quinoa and sprinkle with heaps of fresh coriander

 So if you love Fino olive oil and Fino balsamic don't wait - all orders of £20 or more (excl P&P) placed before February 14th will receive a bag of Marsden’s Vanilla Fudge (www.marsdensfudge.co.uk) as a treat  - because I love it!!

Susie x

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