If you read the paper, or were listening to the radio yesterday, you will have heard that scientists are suggesting they may have found the answer as to why adopting a Mediterranean diet of fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, fish and olive oil may be the secret to living a long and healthy life. The science is rather beyond me but clearly the fact that scientists are advocating that olive oil is a great addition to anyone's diet is great news for Fino!

After 3 months of racing around all over the country and generally being out of the house a lot, late suppers have really become very late! For Rupert this is a real problem because it means he cannot resist crisps, bread and chilli oil or whatever food he can lay his hands on in the meantime. This weekend we finally decided what we needed was a very Spanish one pot wonder, a vegetable soup/broth/stew that was done in advance and that could just be heated in a second - the joy of this is that you can have it on it's own or can add something extra if you want to. So that is what I did and on Tuesday we had it with some halloumi and chorizo, last night we added some delicious smoked haddock pieces, tonight I will probably add sausages! Either way it is really quick, hugely nutritious and, being vegetables and olive oil based, is clearly the key to a long and healthy life!

All I did was chop up what was in the fridge - an onion, a sweet potato, a couple of parsnips, a celeriac, some carrots - sautee them over a gentle heat with olive oil adding some stock, tomato puree and some chopped tomatoes and seasoning, plus a tin of cannelini beans I had in the cupboard.  Continue to simmer until the vegetables are cooked and that's it - One Pot Wonder!

On a different note this Saturday, 6th December, is Small Business Saturday - this is an initiative which exists to "support, inspire and promote small businesses" so why not take the opportunity to do just this and replenish your Fino stocks before Christmas. Bottles of Fino plain extra virgin olive oil come in a variety of sizes, or you may want to consider the 2.5 litre tin of extra virgin olive oil (£24.50) - bigger quantity, better value. The same goes for the Fino balsamics - I have listened to my customers and have now started doing the dark and white balsamics in 500ml bottles (£22.50) in addition to the smaller 250ml versions which so many of you have already enjoyed. All can be bought online at www.finooliveoil.co.uk/shop

For all those people you still have to buy christmas presents for (and for whom you would wish a long and healthy life!) the Great Taste Award winning Fino gift packs (from £25.00) make a fantastic present - www.finooliveoil.co.uk/shop - I can happily add a message and send direct for you - when placing your order please don't forget to specify your choice of dark or white balsamic. If you want a bespoke gift pack that is not on the website (like the larger 3 bottle one in the picture) please do get in touch either by email susie@finooliveoil.co.uk or by calling me on 07909 736144. 

Spend £60 and qualify for free postage.

Thanks to all of you for your support and custom through 2014 and very happy christmas.


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