I never find it that easy to get back in to any form of routine after the Christmas rush is done, and celebrations (paired down this year in our case due to Covid!) and family time are over. This year I am finding it especially hard - I seem to be jumping from one thing to another without feeling any real sense of achievement – I think I need someone to give me a push in the right direction! Thank goodness for another beautiful day – it makes so much difference seeing sunshine.

Spanish Extra Virgin Olive Oil - 2.5 litre tin and bottles

In the next few weeks I am getting my next delivery of olive oil. Casarabonela has been buzzing for the past two months with the olive harvest in full swing - now it is almost over and my next palet will soon be on the way. Before it arrives I ideally need to make some space in Global HQ so this weekend I am offering 15% off my remaining bottles and tins of The Village Oil and giving you an opportunity to stock up your cupboards and make me happy too – just add LOVEIT at the checkout.

This Maple Mustard Carrots and Chickpea recipe has been shared around a bit but it's good to spread the love - thank you to Amelia at Bold Bean Co for sharing the inspiration with me. I did it for supper earlier this week and it was absolutely delicious (although mine didn’t actually look quite so beautiful as I didn’t have the chive flowers!) Using really good ingredients makes so much difference to what you can create and I am a real fan of the Bold Bean Co chickpeas (and other beans too) - they are so good - perhaps it's because they are Spanish!

Happy weekend

Susie x


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